Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Organization Victim or Organization Maven?

Mother nature has not been in a summer mood lately.  Living in the high desert of Southern Idaho this time of year should be filled with how to keep cool stories and days by the river, but lately almost a week now we have had pretty heavy summer rains.  I always plan for rainy and snowy day projects but all those are usually during the fall and winter.
So in the spirit of rainy day projects I thought I would organize some thoughts on organization.  I have discovered since moving into my lovely new home that my workspace is an organization victim.

So after some research and thoughtful planning here are a few tips that make sense and have inspired me to change from organization victim to an organization maven!

1. Have you ever heard of the crafting creep.  You know everything seems to creep out into the open, your dining table, the kitchen counter, the floor in the family room......I could go on!  It's true that almost always being creative and being organized do not go hand in hand.  I am the first to admit when my creativity is flowing so are all of my supplies ( all over the house)!  So I am making it a goal to create one space, you heard it ONE space for my creative juices to flow.  I just moved into a new home and absolutely love it.  I have a designated office/craft room.  I am going to make it a space that I can get things done and close the door when I'm in the middle of "getting things done".
So tip number 1 is separate your space if at all possible.
I love this idea because it ultimately ends up behind closed doors.  For a creative person I definitely have an aversion to things being OUT!

2.How much storage is to much storage?  HAHA no such thing!  Storage is great when you use it.  Storage is one of those things that needs to be practical and accessible.  If you have to climb ladders or get under things its more likely to creep to the table than get put away.  Another thing is to consider that everything should have a place always.  How many times have you wanted to start a project and couldn't find that one little thing you needed.  Oiy!!

Storage doesn't have to be expensive, one of the most practical things I've ever seem is the cardboard file boxes.  You can even doll them up to look amazing in your space.

3.  Light the way!

Lighting is so crucial to your creative health and your physical health.  Spend some time really thinking through how you can properly light your space.

Look how bright this room is.  I love the natural light!

Here's another great space with amazing light.  You can't help but be inspired in this space.

4.  Have a worktable!  Again having a space to do what you do is so great.  Get creative with this also.  My darling hubbins actually made me a table from a door he literally bought at barn sale.  He bought the barn door.  I love my table so much it has made 4 moves with me and will be with me forever.

I love the size of this table.  Plenty of room to get creative!

5.  Use your walls.  Don't be afraid of shelves and storage on the walls.  This is a space for your things to live and the walls are a great place just for that.

Nice and Organized!

I hope these ideas inspire you to get your space into tip top shape.  I love how it feels when I want to go start a new project and everything just seems to fall into place.  Having everything organized so that I can just think about creating instead of cleaning is the key.  Happy organizing!

Please share some of your ideas with me, I love to chat with fellow artists and learn how they make space for their creativity!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

My how time fly's!

It's so hard to believe that its been over a year since I last posted.  I'm back though and with more creativity than ever oozing out!  I can't wait to share.  Stay tuned and I promise you won't be disappointed.